Preserving Nature for Future Generations

Environmentally Friendly Corrosion Inhibiting Solutions

Corrosion is a very costly affair resulting in massive wastage to industrial nations, and is estimated to be in excess of $350 billion in the USA alone. Corrosion if not managed proactively can shut down assembly lines, fail quality inspections, cause expensive re-work, create safety concern and more than anything a serious reputation damage.

Managing the corrosion phenomena effectively requires a deep understanding of the underlying multi-disciplines such as material science, fluid mechanics, electro-chemistry besides years of field exposure. Most protection methods and products claimed to be the best are less than effective, and worse, are damaging to the environment.

Armed with the right mix of expertise and solution delivery mechanisms, Axicorr aims to fill this void through a range of technically advanced Vapor Corrosion Inhibitors (VCI), Specialty Coatings and innovative corrosion management turnkey solutions.

Our mission is to provide cost effective solutions to help attain a near zero corrosion state, right from the design through the build, operations and lay-up phases of assets.