A ship is a complex metal structure that demands continuous attention to control corrosion. Ships during the operation are exposed to extreme and aggressive.....
Fighting the corrosion phenomena in the Oil & Gas Industry is often a complex subject due to multiple forces acting to cause corrosion problems. The industry.....
Power plants utilize one or a combination of nuclear, hydroelectric, geothermal, natural gas, coal, solar, and wind power to produce electricity each of.....
Desalination process itself has to deal with several corrosive inducing elements. Desalination plant installations are often built near humid and coastal areas thus.....
To achieve highest standards in corrosion protection, every manufactured equipment, machinery and spare part should be protected to retain its finish and performance.....
Mining facilities extract diverse metals and minerals hence each of the plants operate in very different conditions hence the off-road vehicles, equipment and mining machinery.....
Electronic enclosures are often located in atmospheres with high humidity, condensation, varying temperature or traces of aggressive pollutants such as sulfides, chlorides and.....